Best analog sounding cd player under 5K


Im looking for a new or used one box player mainly for redbook. My budget could go up to 5K.
I know and have read a lot of threads about cd players but none deals with the analog sounding issue. Also, not everyone like his cd player to sound like his analog set up.
I can define analog, as neutral(good tonal balance), organic, natural, with a lot of low level information retrieval, inmediacy,with very good 3d image, not forward sounding and not analytical. I think the extension at both ends is not a must. Obviously, It cant be dark or too bright sounding.

I have in my short list so far, resolution opus, bluenote sttibert, apl denon 3910, audio aero capitole mkII, ayre Cx5.
For the reviews and comments on several forums it seems that the most organic and natural sounding is the Stibbert. How does it compare with the others? And also what other should be included in this list?
Alan Brain
Consider an esoteric SA60 which I bought (i audiotioned the newest krell, ayre, dcs ) for $4500 list its an awesome piece-and is a universal disc player dvd sacd etc.
I also own a meridian 596 and a musical fidelity tri vista dac and cec transport .
hold the presses. there is a new cd player called melody hi m10. it uses one 5ar4 rectifier tube and 2 6sn7 tubes. think of the possibility of tube rolling 6sn7 tubes.

i heard it at ces. it weighs 75 pounds. it has 2 massive transformers. the company describes the sound as "vintage" tubes.

i should be getting one within a week or so.

i am looking for a cd player myself. i will not consider the ayre, bat (owned it and sold it), bluenote, resolution audio, meridian or sim audio products.
I'd wait for a used MBL 1531 to pop up. It may not be their reference separates but still a great unit.