Best analog sounding cd player under 5K


Im looking for a new or used one box player mainly for redbook. My budget could go up to 5K.
I know and have read a lot of threads about cd players but none deals with the analog sounding issue. Also, not everyone like his cd player to sound like his analog set up.
I can define analog, as neutral(good tonal balance), organic, natural, with a lot of low level information retrieval, inmediacy,with very good 3d image, not forward sounding and not analytical. I think the extension at both ends is not a must. Obviously, It cant be dark or too bright sounding.

I have in my short list so far, resolution opus, bluenote sttibert, apl denon 3910, audio aero capitole mkII, ayre Cx5.
For the reviews and comments on several forums it seems that the most organic and natural sounding is the Stibbert. How does it compare with the others? And also what other should be included in this list?
Alan Brain
hi alan:

the website is .

i will getting this player later this week.

there seems to be a lot of interest in this player.

i'll keep you posted.
Alan google Melody hi m10, separate the words "hi" and "m10". You'll find the link to melody gear. ...For what its worth...I just got a PM from a member in HK who has heard the Melody cdp at the HK audio show and at his home. Good player for around $1500. However he did go on to say that the Melody has a "bigger sound stage, deeper bass, but the instruments are less well defined within the soundstage, and lacks the see through quality of the Cayin.....Melody has a rounded sound...the leading edge is not as well defined as the Cayin". This guy has a very fine articulation on his commenst, and seems to have a quick "audiophile ear". So what I gather is the Melody is "warmer" and is not what I'm looking for.My ideal is defining/separation of the fq's. A fine unit none the less, and should be considered by the author in his quest for a cdp. As some prefer the 'warmer"(forward) sound in their equipment.
hi bartokfan:

warmer is not forward. warmer refers to frequency response.

can i infer from your comment that you are no longer interested in a report from me after i have auditioned it for a few days ?

i should be getting the cd player in a few days.

by the way real music is rounded. i have heard many cayin cd players. they are not my cup of tea.
yes please posta review, which i failed to acknowledge your upcomming report. My apologies.
I was only quoting most of what one HK member heard at the show, and I assume in a home set up. From his highly attuned impressions of the Melody, its possible that it is 'not my cup of tea". btw he heard the hi m10 with a all Melody set up, the big 1688 pre. I feel no need to "upgrade" my modded cayin 17. Its a done deal. The story of my cdp search has ended...well I should refrain, as the HK member did say Cayin has some new cdp models out this yr.
Look forward to your report. At 75 lbs, its fair to say this one is not just built "like a tank, it is a tank. WOW!, 75 lbs!! Has a trans!!