What Would Be the Reasoning Behind Leaving Class D Amps On?

I think my Marantz Ruby integrated sounds better if it is just permanently left on.  I'm a bit of a tubehead, but I've had 2 other Class D amps and I recall them sounding better left on. 

I've seen a handful of manufacturers that even recommend their Class D amps be left on--e.g. PS Audio, etc. 

In addition to the potential improvement in sound quality, I suppose keeping caps and things on might be easier on them too.

Do you agree?  Do you know why this may be true or at least the theory behind it?  

Thank you in advance!  I'm super curious about this stuff.



@aj523 , I love it. I’m really starting to think that several of the nice class the amps I owned before we’re not really given the best opportunity to perform as I did not leave them always on

I like the RPM explanation which makes sence to me,I will give it a try and leave them on.I have the ARC DS450M mono amps [class D] with all the external upgrades with modified Maggie 20.1's which sound awesome.

I leave my Bel Canto REF501S on 24-7 as wells as my DAC 2.7, E Stream and CDT3 only thing that is turned off when not in use is my X200 tube integrated.