Voltage conversion of Accuphase E-650

Does anyone know how to convert voltage of Accuphase E-650 100v to 110/120v? Or does anyone provide information on voltage conversion table of Accuphase E-650?

Hi @imhififan


hope it works with the pics:

(link Icloud: https://www.icloud.com/iclouddrive/04bYXYU4boecaHce1E39q0HMA#Voltage)

(link dropbox:


My guessing:

DP900: just change the two black wires with the two brown wires.

DC901: As you said only change the jumper from J1 to J3

What do you think man:-)

I have manual of the DP800/DC801 looks bit similar.


works as expected:-)

Good job! @systemroot👍, thanks for sharing!

BTW, have you figured out what J4, J5 and J6 for?


@imhififan good question with J4, J5 and J6.

I recognized you have mention something similar for the E600 above in context of soft start resistor settings. Any idea if I have to change these jumpers, too?


I think it makes sense to remove J5 and J6 but add J4.

Then there is the maximimum resitor value set.

I have manual of ps510 and there is also a kind of soft start circuit like this.