I am enjoying my analog system, but what can I do to improve?

I currently have Technics 1200G turntable with Dynavector 17XD cartridge playing through Kitsune LCR 1 MK5 phono pre and Allnic L7000 preamp. My amps are Pass X350.5 and Benchmark AHB2 driving Sound Lab ESL speakers. My system sounds great, but I am wondering how I can take my system to another level. What do you think?


Dear @chungjh  : I already talked about why we need to listen our room/system seated at near field position. Please re-read my post.


In any room/system the seat position of the owner is critical for several reasons that includes each one of us hearing lossed, SPLs each one of us prefers and so on.

Good that you improve changing your seat position and then you need to follow about from where you are testings with small/tiny seat position changes looking to find out the " rigt " one position and remember that behind that seat position should be romm/treatment too.

In the other side, try that your audio retailer browse to you at your place a Pass preamp or something similar to the Pass one.

No, it's a very bad move to change the 545 speakers for other speakers when the trouble is not there but is up to you.


Btw, o you already tested 3-4 different hedashells with your cartridge and tested with different headshell wires than the stock one?. This was my advise to you in your tread in 2021. Again, is up to you because I really don't care if you did it or not because at the end is you who must live with that audio system.



@rauliruegas I did try another head shell, Audiosilente. Did not sound all that different. I think you are right about about not changing speakers.

@chungjh : You have to try not one headshell but at least 3-4 or more with different build materials, different weigth and even different building shape and obviously with 3-4 different headshell wires. 

Tonearm removable headshell designs exist because that removable headshell gives us a great opportunity to mate in better way the cartridge to the tonearm and to permit that that cartridge can shows at its best.







Btw, " I find the dynamic range too high only on certain recordings. ".

Well that " high dynamics..." could be just higher distortions developed by the analog rig. I'm not saying is distortion.


Are you using Löfgren cartridge/tonearm alignment ? if not then use it. 

If in reality is higher distortion maybe a different TT mat and clamp could help to improve cartridge tracking as the overall cartridge set up: VTA/SRA/AZ/VTF/overhang/offset angle/cleaned stylus-LPs. Accurated set up can helps.


