About users with hidden agendas

If you know that a user is a dealer and they fail to disclose and attacks other users because they make a point against their interest, do you expose the user?

I know of a gentleman here that continuously posts and goes after people and does not disclose who he is. 

What are the ethics of this forum?


MC stated in a previous post before he was asked to take a break from the ’Gon that he works for Townshend. He is also working on a couple other things since he retired from his "normal" work and when he returns he will provide more details in addition to some articles he intends to post on the hobby.

When he comes back, I expect him to be less confrontational/ignore his haters. I am not a fan nor a hater - I appreciate some very good information he passed along that improved my system for far less than the cost of upgrading components, and of course I passed on a number of things that he recommends because they didn’t make sense for me to buy (fuses, Schuman resonators, subwoofers, HFTs, etc.) but many people do use and keep them or else they would have taken advantage of a money back guarantee) or the people that sell them (the Ted Denny’s of the world) would not be in business.

MC is very enthusiastic about the hobby, and I think he exaggerates the benefits of many tweaks, but I do think he cares so much that they are significant in his mind. I look forward to his future contributions and hope his confrontations with his haters don’t return (at least in both directions).

my take on miller carbon is that he is a long time dedicated audiophile, pretty smart guy, figured out a lot of useful, positive stuff for himself in this hobby - in this respect he has a lot to share and can be a positive contributor to the a-gon community

the problems have been

1) his tone -- always touting his own superiority, speaking down to others (those of us who have lived a lot of life recognize this as a sign of his own frailty, and it would engender some compassion, except that it makes his persona so darned unlikable), and

2) as mentioned below, his mistaken belief that his own findings are truisms, panaceas applicable to all, just because they may have been for him (refer to point 1 above)... thus he delivers all his commentary on this forum with such a heavy hand, without restraint, on blast all the time, especially with respect to his favorite products du jour

combine 1) and 2)... the response and animus he engenders is entirely predictable, and deserved

all this said, it would be a good thing if he returned with a milder, more restrained version of himself, though, as another old dog, i am not sure that that particular old dog can learn the good new trick...


“ MC stated in a previous post before he was asked to take a break from the 'Gon that he works for Townshend. “

A somewhat mealy mouthed way of conveying that MC actually had his posting privileges revoked for constant rule infractions , attempting to manipulate the forum to his will, and generally being more trouble than he was worth !