Affordable vs. ultra expensive speakers - what's the difference?

Candidate 1: Affordable at about 3K


Candidate 2: Ultra expensive at 50K.


So what's the difference?


But as to the Rivals, you are the first I have seen to call them "awful". Where did you hear them, which models, and with what ancillary gear?

I haven’t heard them nor am I apt too. I haven’t heard Border Patrol either nor am I apt too.

I could use DSP and EQ the crap out of them so perhaps awful is to strong a word, maybe extremely nonlinear is what I should have said.

I haven’t heard them nor am I apt too. I haven’t heard Border Patrol either nor am I apt too.

I could use DSP and EQ the crap out of them so perhaps awful is to strong a word, maybe extremely nonlinear is what I should have said.

Mind blowing. First your grasp or lack thereof of basic English. You misspelled "to" and "too" twice in a row. Zero for two. Or "too" in your world. Second, making such a bold statement about components you have never heard. 

Mind blowing. First your grasp or lack thereof of basic English. You misspelled "to" and "too" twice in a row. Zero for two. Or "too" in your world. Second, making such a bold statement about components you have never heard. 

The use of “Too”, subtly changes the meaning.

I’ve never jumped off a skyscraper either but having a basic grasp of Newton’s laws I can make a guess what would happen if I did. I don’t understand how anyone can’t look at speaker measurements and the components they are made from and get a pretty good idea what they will sound like. Is that to bold a statement?

Volti Razz?????? LOL  Really