Buyer Dispute

I would like to have some opinions of a remedy for this issue:

I purchased a pair of B&W 804D3 loudspeakers through Audiogon in August 2021. They were shipped in original containers by freight. The boxes arrived damaged with some holes in the boxes, but no damage to the speakers accept for one very small spot, which could be repaired with a drop of stain. However, neither tweeter was functioning. A multimeter revealed an open circuit across both voice coils. The seller said that they worked before shipping but offered to send me replacement tweeters under the previous owner' warranty which I agreed to. However, and here is the rub; Because of supply chain issues, Bowers and Wilkins did not, and still does not have the tweeters in stock. I have been waiting 6 months for the seller to provide the replacements from B&W, but they continue to be out of stock. In short, I paid nearly $7,000 in August 2021 for speakers that I still cannot listen to.

Any opinion on a path to resolution?



The positive feedback was left before listening critically to the loudspeakers. It was my bad. You can be sure I will never do that again. I would like to remove the feedback if I could and would certainly agree to have the positive feedback he left for me removed.

Adding to the above; Positive feedback given to the seller does not relieve the seller from his responsibilities to the buyer. I have an email chain that goes all the way back to the original sale that documents every step of this transaction.

The problem with leaving the positive feedback is that it implies that the speakers were working when you received them (and your feedback also commends the packaging, despite the damage that you mention in your original post). That, unfortunately, makes it much more difficult to prove that the seller is at fault.

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