Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!



I have heard about Thiel fans over on Reddit but do not know the extent of content?


Happy Listening!

I think the Thiel Weblog was something that Gary Dayton (from Thiel) managed until it stopped in 2011. I'm not sure why it's still sitting out there in cyberspace, but it's fun to read some of the posts. There's even stuff from Rob Gillum on the blog.

Prof - I had not known about that Thiel blog. I don't know who might be funding that site. Someone here may be able to look behind the curtain and see. Otherwise, the person who comes to mind is Rob Gillum as an adjunct to his Coherent Source Service undertaking.

The dates go from just after Jim's death to just before Kathy sold the company at end 2012. Those people are the real operatives saying things they would say, albeit with a few typos and some editorializing. I speculate it may have been Gary Dayton's project. Note there are nearly no responses and that the external links are broken.

Regarding the site - Ted Green of looked behind that curtain a few years ago and indeed, it is some sort of fishing expedition. Note that the external links are broken and that pictures and references are not of Thiel products, but rather generic drop-ins. The odd workings of the webosphere.

Fascinating to read the story of the Thiel start-up. A bit sad too now that the company is no more. Could you tell us a bit more about what happened to the company after your brother passed on? Thanks Tom.