Speakers for daughter

I was going to buy powered small speakers for my daughter's first sound system to go with A Project Debut Carbon Evolution but now she seems ok to accept an integrated amplifier from me to power speakers. Thinking about the Elac UNI-FI UB 51 or ELAC Uni-FI Slim B5 U5 after researching similar priced speakers such as the Elac Debut 2.0 B5.2, Paradigm Monitor SE Atom, Wharfedale Diamond 12.1, and Kef 150. I have not listened to any speakers yet at the price point. Any comments?


Audiotroy sells (at least ) 3 of the speaker brands you have narrowed down to - maybe you should visit his store.  

I know there powered, but the Audioengine A5+ speakers are great, and work fantastiv with Amazon Music HD streaming as well.


Is this system more about pleasing you or your daughter?  Get her what she wants because she will probably end up not using what you think she may like and it will sit there collecting dust or break it.  Don't overthink it.

I am trying to balance out what I think may sound good within reasonable  costs and what I think my daughter will enjoy.I admit that my primary sound system is expensive and that my phono pre amp costs more than the system I am trying to put together for my daughter. I also admit I have not listened to anything within my daughters budget although I am paying for everything. Help!

Safe & Sound in Chicopee has some good deals. They have online & in store shopping.

No affiliation.