Daber 2: better speaker in the world for $1k?

I've been listening at length to the NEW Daber Audio Monitor 2's, and I'm blown away. The clarity of the highs and the palpability of the bass despite the small size of the driver is knocking my socks off as I listen to DMB "Shake Me Like a Monkey". Is there a better loudspeaker in the world for less than $1k? How about for less than $2k? Just sayin....
Want a sneak peek at the best speaker under $1K? First look at the Daber Audio Monitor 2 #hifi #audiophile
Timoccc, Ok, your starting to sound like a shill.
Please let us know every great speaker you have listened to under two thousand dollars that you found your Dabers bettered. There are a lot of great speakers under two grand.
It's great you love your speakers.
Is there a better loudspeaker in the world for less than $1k?

Yes, hundreds of loudspeakers. Because people like different things.
Timocc asked:

Is there a better loudspeaker in the world for less than $1k? How about for less than $2k?

I've never heard any of Daber's speakers, so I'm in no position to comment one way or the other (and no such comment is intended by this post), but as to "less than $2k", there is always the Daber 3 at $1800.

Just sayin' ;-}

Yes, excellent tweeter, one of the best domes I've ever heard. We're using one of the Transducer Labs tweeters in the Vapor Aurora because no other dome has as lively and engaging a sound. Be extremely careful as that dome is literally thinner than an egg shell and extremely fragile. I know, I broke one. Meniscus sells small screens that offer some protection for those probing fingers.

Looks like a Peerless woofer, Nomex cone, which is pretty nice too.

That said, there's no doubt that there are plenty of monitors in that price range which can boast better in-room response than Daber's posted response plots.



And while on-axis response isn't everything, it's about 90% of everything when it comes to accurate reproduction.
