Foxhole? What a weird word come to think of it. Terriers go to ground and dig out a fox. Fox hounds run foxes down and _______ them. So what part of a "FOXHOLE" is good? As for the target on their chest, I prefer my back, hit me if you can, I'm out of here. They use to call me "The Chameleon". I can be the only person on a basketball court and blend in..
As for the cables, OP have you ever hooked up ANY cables that took your breath away. I have not. But certain cable do certain thing I like and others don't. It's a cable to a speaker. I haven't used bad cables, but I've sure used some that are better than others.
More than 1/2 the cables I buy from China are not put together they way I would put it together. I look at the cable wire and see how it was pulled through the die.
I also order with Y spade connectors on both ends or double bullets/banana. BUT the ends are the same. I've reversed direction on the cable at least 25-30% of the time.. The other 15% of the time I'm swapping terminal ends out and went to copper, red copper, copper with silver clad or pure silver. It all makes a big difference.. NO Solder either.. RCA is the exception