Why terminate speaker wire?

I'm apparently missing the point so can some knowledgeable person please explain why speaker wire termination is used?

It seems bare wire directly connected to the speaker / amp inputs / outputs would provide better current transfer than inserting two /  four  connections (one on each end) into the stream..  If the wire is to large to go into the connector or the speaker wire is being changed out all the time I could see it  and if bare wire is too hard to use couldn't just tinning the ends with silver solder be the best connection?



There's people that prefer bare, and there's people that prefer terminated. Both sides claim the same improvements in SQ. In theory bare should perform better as spades or banana plugs are another link in the chain that could degrade the signal. The most commonly cited benefits of termination are protection from oxidation, and protection from damage.

Terminal ends are for convenience, they are pretty and they cost money.

Now, the reason I use them, to fine tune the sound. It's as simple as that.

Copper, Red copper, Copper with silver clad or pure silver, nothing else.

Y spades, bullet banana with a knife edge expanding clip or expanding saw tooth bullets. Teflon tape in leu of shrink tube.. 

BIG Nugget, teflon tape sounds better than shrink tube by a mile. THIN is the key..


If you use terminations, the less metal in them the better.

those Z banana thingies made out of thin gold plated sheet metal with a wiggly slit probably place the least metal between you and the signal out of anything I know - quite cheap too if you know where to look