Your single most significant purchase mistake?

Your most significant regret for having bought? Big expectations and an even bigger letdown? The one you kicked yourself the hardest for ever having bight 

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Aurender N100H. Unstable, couldn't withstand power outages, factory support that couldn't be bothered to read the user's email complaint. Dumped it at a loss through TMR because I couldn't with a clear conscience sell it directly to a fellow audiophile.

I had purchased the N100H new from my ARC dealer. It wasn't defective other than arguably by design. Ugh.

early class d mark levinson mono blocks circa 2006/7... omg... how can something that looks so pretty sound sooo bad...

@mijostyn ... the missus is on line 2 holding for you...😂

mijostyn - I like the way you think😎 although I have many more mistakes. For audio, selling my SAE X-25A.