How long ago did you catch the bug?

My first inkling was about 1972 when a friend mentioned such things as Dual, Thorens, AR, Scott, etc. By '74-'75 I knew about all the Japanese manufacturers (courtesy of a military PX catalog) and about McIntosh. By '76 ​​was using a hand me down all in one Panasonic compact system. The compact system did not last long and very shortly after, '77, came a "proper" 1970's system with such names as Pioneer, Kenwood, Shure, AR, Teac. 


*L*  At my age, I've no short stories anymore.

Always loved music, grew up with polkas, Cosby, Sinatra, Martin, Spike Jones, and was forced to sing in a choir.  Why do parents thinks moppets 'singing' around a key sounds so cute? *sigh*
Got expose to 'better' when older bro' convinced Da to let him wire the new home with 'music in every space, switched with volume control'.  'It' worked in ways unforeseen...
Bro' put together an H-K integrated, had a pair of Jensen (?) bookshelves, and a Sony r2r...and the mid-60's hit LA., my jr. > snr. 'Hi daze'....

Yes....'ruint' That Long.  No cure, none wanted.

Listened to jazz vs. the early Beatles and 'bubble-gum Muzak'.  Later, Zappa, The Fugs, Firesign, Airplane....anything that made an impression, CA AudioInsanity.

'That' hasn't changed much....the means to Listen, Yes.

Good items, 'meh' ones'.....current is yet another 'concoction' that pleases me and out of bars and youngsters' cars.....;)

@oldhvymec  I've been 'bit', but have yet to 'stick' and take 'that ride'.
Poses an interesting issue here, tho'... 
Onboard pacemaker: Will it survive to 'kickstart'? 🙄
(No, I'm not game to go and Try.  You first...;)....*L*)

Need that upgraded with an external power supply and potentiometer to turn it UP. Upgrade the cable too. You need a jump start on board.. No outside stuff. Keep an extra battery pack handy.. :-) I use mine to jump start the car every now and then.. 


1984, I was 11 and won an AM/FM boombox with cassette player. I used to lay in bed with it on my chest and listen to FM radio with my head between the two speakers. I was amazed by the "stereo" sound.