Your single most significant purchase mistake?

Your most significant regret for having bought? Big expectations and an even bigger letdown? The one you kicked yourself the hardest for ever having bight 


My wife was a gift from God 42 years ago, of which I still cherish her. She is very understanding of this hobby too. What more could I ask for? :-)

Agree with o_holter.

Bose 901- 3 they was good back in the mid 70's but overstayed their welcome as they kicked around 40 years until I got out there and listened and heard what I was missing.

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4,177 posts

Aurender N100H. Unstable, couldn't withstand power outages, factory support that couldn't be bothered to read the user's email complaint. Dumped it at a loss through TMR because I couldn't with a clear conscience sell it directly to a fellow audiophile.

I had purchased the N100H new from my ARC dealer. It wasn't defective other than arguably by design. Ugh.