New Synergistic Product: Tuning Discs

I was lucky enough to be asked to try out a prototype of a new Synergistic Research product. For now, I think they are calling it a Tuning disc.

What it looks like is a small wafer (smaller than a dime and is very thin). They are either in gold or purple tops and are attached using some tacking substance. I placed 2 on top of my Shunyata Sigma V2 interconnects.

I wasn’t expecting much but whoa, did these things work! First, I tried the purple on my interconnects and boy did the soundstage widen with lots of air.

Then I tried the gold discs and though the sound stage shrunk perhaps a little but the naturalness of the music was fantastic!


Hard to believe that these things work so well, I am really impressed.



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It is easier to con someone than it is to get someone to admit being conned! Think about it!

What is with all the Eeyore types on this site lately?


It's the AH crew, they have invaded, swat splat. SWAT SPLAT!

jasonbourn52 just has no sense of adventure or no one likes him enough to let him try a fuse, God forbid the Hocus Pocus dots from SR.. I don't think he is one of them. He is just hard headed, more granite than chalk HARD HARD. He's a 57s guy he has to be OK at least.

I got a feelin' he's not into skydiving either..:-)


I’ll end up trying these. Purple fuse upgraded my system like nothing I’ve heard before. These and the new High Fidelity goo…love the tweaks.

 Hi Ozzy,

 I appreciate your review. You have always told it how it is in the years I have been reading your post.

  I have one question for either you or Ted. Is there any specific spot on the cable to place these tuning disc and are 2 required per cable ?

  I have had excellent results with Synergistic products,  purple fuses and most recently Tranquility pods trying the pods in my system with no obligation.