New Synergistic Product: Tuning Discs

I was lucky enough to be asked to try out a prototype of a new Synergistic Research product. For now, I think they are calling it a Tuning disc.

What it looks like is a small wafer (smaller than a dime and is very thin). They are either in gold or purple tops and are attached using some tacking substance. I placed 2 on top of my Shunyata Sigma V2 interconnects.

I wasn’t expecting much but whoa, did these things work! First, I tried the purple on my interconnects and boy did the soundstage widen with lots of air.

Then I tried the gold discs and though the sound stage shrunk perhaps a little but the naturalness of the music was fantastic!


Hard to believe that these things work so well, I am really impressed.




without getting into the benefits of synergistic’s products (or lack thereof), it is always impressive to me when a manufacturer or their marketer/retailers offers true money back trial periods

i think synergistic does this, yes? i went to the site just now, for a quick look, could not find one clearly stated -- maybe i am missing it --  but i has somehow thought such a proper and generous return policy was indeed offered... maybe it is specific by product? not sure

perhaps ted can clarify

with such a return policy in place, critics should really hold their fire... if they haven’t tried, and a trial is so easy and available, why criticize?

But any minerals , any of them affect the S.Q.

mahgister, I have been using crystals in my listening rooms for over two decades now, and do not discuss it as it seems too fringe for most. Your research has paralleled mine in that I have found the results can often be negative. It took me years to find some sort of repeatable pattern in their usage. The impacts can be quite profound when applied intelligently.

I believe the mechanism at play is the one under discussion at present.

@willgolf  Carbon Tuning Discs are placed in a
circuit, on cables, or on components to interact
with their electromagnetic fields to improve sound
quality. There are two variants, Purple and Gold.
Purple is more holographic and airy while Gold
sounds richer, warmer and more liquid. In most
systems you will find optimal applications for both.

Ted Denney III— Synergistic Research Inc.

@jjss49 : Synergistic sells via dealers. Not direct. You can check through your dealer, or you can inquire with SR for a dealer near you. In the SR website, there is form you can fill out when you hit “buy” under each product.


I know the following are SR dealers:


If you look at the SR page on these new products, it says right there “30 day money back guarantee” : 


@thyname +1


Carbon Tuning Discs will be sold with a 30-day no-risk money back guarantee (if not damaged.) It will be possible for anyone to try them and take up to 30 days to decide.

Ted Denney III— Synergistic Research Inc.