I find this statement ridiculous. As I have used a number of SR products in systems past and present. These systems were made up of such brands as Moon by Simaudio, McIntosh, Pathos, AR, Gold Note, Bel Canto, Raven, PL, Sonus faber, ..... think you get the gist and the SR products did not make a change for the better or worse in my systems at the time.
Not saying they do not work just I did not hear the benefit. Now maybe a system of mid to lo-fi gear would benefit more?
I am sure Ted will weigh in but I think the old line of your system is not revealing enough is stereotypical response.
Just my opinion no rub on Ted or SR products at all.
In my quite lengthy experience, SR products are the real deal if your system is good enough.
Give 'em a try...