Any bad experience with wilson audio sasha w/p?

Sorry for the question, but I have been hearing good reviews about wilson audio sasha w/p. I am actually convinced to try a new set but hope I can get the negative side so I can come out with a decision that I will not regret in the future.

I would like to hear your speaker suggestions.

I have heard Wilson's sound both very good and just average in the same room with different equipment.
"04-12-13: Bo1972
.......Wenn I listend I knwe I would have the best sound of everything. In 3 days many people came to me. Distributer owners who said: Bobby you have the best sound by far. Yesterday the owner and boss of the biggest Audio Magazine in Holland said: You had the absolute sound. What will be next. I am taking with a few brands to give shows. I hope to do some in the US as well. Then you can see me and hear were I am talking about. Hearing is believing. Monitor Audio England was even that surprised. I think and work in tools. A source, amp, speaker or cable is a tool for me. I test it and I will lable all the properties/talents it has. I can see and hear 3-4 steps further than other people can in this world of audio. I will soon send some links about the show. To be continued...
Bo1972 (Reviews | Threads | Answers | This Thread)"

<< Please don't. "yeWnn"...
You can buy Sonus Faber Stradivari for low prices. This one makes music. The only thing what misses is a deep stage. Wilson does this part better. But still not stunning! I did compare in the past the Sasha 2 with the Pl-300 of Monitor Audio. Stage of the Monitor Audio is bigger. There is more air and resolution as well. Instruments were better focussed. This is because the respons of th Platinum series is faster compared to the Wilson's. These days I use a Pl-200 with a PLW-15 subwoofer. One of the fastest and best stealth low freq. I ever heard by a sub. You need to us Audyssey pro. Now I have full 3d sound form 16 hz till above 100.000 hz. The 200 gives me also stunning sound with classical music. Wilson I could not live to listen to classical music. Why? Because in real it sounds a lot different. I would get irritated! I also play 1 metre beside the speakers. This makes the stage very wide. Within this stage I have also a stunning 3s sharp individual focus. Almost all demo's at show's instruments and voices are played too big. With this in mind you will loose intimacy. My way of doing measuments with Audyssey Pro sets music to a much higher level in 3d touchable sound. This was the main reason why people found it the absolute sound of last week. The key is timing and sound realism. I will tell you one difference between Pass and Densen. A Pas can let you hear the difference of two acoustic gutars with ease. A Densen they will sound a lot more the same. Pass is great in sound, 3d and speed en timing is stunning. This is why I will go for the 600.5 this year.
I had only 2 experience with Good Wilson demo's. The rest, we are talking about many were quite worse. I sold my Pass Labs X100.5 to a client with Puppy7 speakers. This was good, not very good. Because in my world it is not fast enough and I could not use it for classical music. The thing I most don't like is how it projects instruments and voices. My Pl-200 is superior in 3d imaging. It is more round,touchable and more precise in dimension. This last part is crucial for me. This is the highest level of intimacy in sound. Could be also caused by the speed. Many peolple here in Holland have so much acoustic problems witht these speakers. You hear the noise of the room or the sound becomes a real mess. Why you would choose for these problems. Start with a speaker with less flaw's and limitations I would suggest.
Bo1972 - you obviously must have some problems with Wilsons. 10 bashing posts, in just one thread !

FYI - I'm a classical music lower. Just before I went with Sashas, I have had Avalon Eidolon Vision and I have also extensively auditioned (in my system) Audio Physics Avanti, Magnepans 3.6, Audiostatic and Quad 2905 (which is one of the most natural sounding speakers around). I strongly disagree with what you had written regarding the Sasha. This speaker sounded beautifully natural natural in my room, with the 'you are there feeling' and soundstaging which was second to none.

I think that the biggest problem for Wilson is that people bash Sasha based on their previous experiences with earlier generations of Wilson speakers. Sasha sounds VERY different to all earlier W/P models (I hated myself all WP models I have heard, starting from the WP3.2 up to WP7; the fact that I liked Sasha so much was actually a big surprice for me !) which is probably exactly why Wilson didn't call this speaker WP9.

PS. I just sold my Sashas, so I'm not defending the speaker I own. I'm defending a speaker which I used to own, and I think it is a great product. Right now I'm on a fence which speaker to choose next. Wilson Alexia is one of the speakers I'm seriously considering.