starting equiment that ic cold from being shipped

Is it a real thing that you court problems if you turn on an ice cold amplifier or pre-amp without waiting 24 hours for temperature to rise.  I have long awaited Krell FPB and KCT shipping tomorrow,  It's single digits in the Midwet.  Should I wait a full 24 hours for the equipment to warm inside before introducing any electricity into the components?


My logic is very simple as I'm a simple guy!

My point is to take it out of the box and put it in a garbage bag to prevent airflow and then put it in the warmest part of your house.

Many moons ago while in the military I was an Avionics tech working on jets.
So I have seen first hand where an airplane flies high and the aft equipment bay becomes very cold.  We were stationed in North Carolina a humid place. After  cycles of this some corrosion can set in causing electronic issues.

Your amp is not an airplane and won't be subject to freezing/thawing cycles.

Apparently you love this piece, so I would take all preventative steps.
This is just my two cents, but it is what I do.  Enjoy the piece, I hope it doesn't require any further trips to Krell.




Post removed 

The cold inside surface is only exposed to a sealed area that is filled typically with argon gas to reduce re-radiation but it is also dry so there is no moisture ( water vapor) to condense on that surface (the inside surface of the outer pane of glass).

Technically it is more like convection or maybe conduction?

One can imagine the old video game Pong, and the pong balls carry the heat from one side to the other like a pack mule.
The argon pong balls are slow and carry heat from one side to the other in each bounce.
The helium pong balls move faster so we get more bounces per minute.
So if each load of heat the heat on the mule is the same, we simply get more loads carried over time with helium pong balls than with the argon ones.


The fellows talking about garbage bags amd not opening the box, sort of doesn’t make sense to me, as I am used to seeing the devices wrapped in a bag inside of the box with a little bag of magic desiccant crystals.
If it is one of those similar deals here, then just keep that bag sealed.

The box and Styrofoam shipping protection, only insulates it to delay the warming.

I have started my engine and it is good to be back in high fidelity. Thank you all for your input. I fed the units power in standby after about 30 hours of getting warmer. I concluded that while still cold, the amp was warmer than the cold bottle of beer I was to use as yardstick for safety. It remained in standby for several hours and then I turned everything on but muted with no music for a couple more hours. I am now playing music and boy it just keeps getting better, as these warm up. I expect them to be cooking in another three hours or so. I feel fortunate to live in a time when we can bring such great sounds and great musicians into our living rooms. For the vast majority of history, people had no access to such pleasures.