Sony SCD-777ES vs current Players

I have been using my Sony SCD-777ES SACD Player for 10 years without any problems, it's built like a tank and sounds great to me.

However, I'm looking to buy a new Blu-Ray player and wonder how current universal players compare with my machine in terms of Audio playback of CDs and the occasional SACD.
Also, how do modern stand alone CD players compare with it?
Am I able to improve on the sound quality with a modest outlay?

Thanks for your help.
My 5400 was better than my 777. If you want Blu Ray get an Oppo 103 or 105
Hey Ecosse!
First of all, you have a great player and if you like the sound of it, stick to it. Second and in terms of audio, there possibly a wide range of what's you gonna like more, but it may be not. The universal players like OPPO mostly are used with external high-end DACs, they do cost a lot. So if you really want to get rid of your SACD and to start that looooong listening session in search of your sound, then the marked is wide open. But I haven't seen high-end BR players with an outstanding DACs combined.
I have a top of the line Sony Blu-ray player and also the 777. I do not notice a difference in CD/SACD media play back from either as compared to the blu-ray player. So, for now do not sell off the 777. I have not heard the Oppo 105. I think if any blu ray player could best the 777, that would be the one. Since you can get a 30 day return on the Oppo 105, I would suggest you do an in house compare. The ears will tell.