Thanks so much for your loving and tender remembrance of our friend Doug.
Doug was a dear friend for over 30 years. Possibly the toughest and funniest person I’ve ever known.
When I lived in NYC he loved coming to my place as it was a loft that was essentially one big room so he could rip around in his wheelchair with abandon..I’d bring him up on the freight elevator..
When he was at my place, he had a great way of making new acquaintances at a party...he’d roll up to someone and say funny crap like " Hey, just cause I’m a cripple it doesn’t mean I don’t like potato chips. And I could use a shot of whiskey as well...." His way of putting people at ease and telling them, as only he could, that he was here to have fun but needed a bit of help from his friends..
I’ve spent a lot of today crying and telling my girlfriend just what sort of friend he’s been all these years.
R.I.P Turkeyburger, your friends loved you so much..