@tomic601 Hello Jim! I reached out to Brent, hopefully he has some. If not I will get them from Upscale.
How are things there?!
6H30 replacement
I have looked for a western replacement for the 6H30, but I believe the 6DJ8, 6922 or 7308 would get destroyed because if the high voltage.
this is for a hybrid amp, Pathos Heritage. When I bought the amp, I was told that the voltage was low enough for 6DJ8, 6922 or 7308 but now I am being told otherwise.
I just have no ears for the 6H30s and I want to get them out of my amp if at all possible.
thank you for your help.
@tomic601 Hello Jim! I reached out to Brent, hopefully he has some. If not I will get them from Upscale. How are things there?!
@astolfor Doing well Sir ! Sunny California is a tonic to the soul and warms the old bones. i am especially happy today as i host a local friend for a music listening session. I have found calling Brent to be most effective, vs. email. Best Jim |
not sure which continent you are on if in n america/usa, i second @tomic601 ’s recommendation re calling brent jessee... the other go-to’s are jim mcshane in illinois and andy baumann in michigan (vintage tube services) - they have been at this forever, exceptionally knowledgeable (and honest) and will tell you about 6h30 options... if you haven't already, you might also read up on when how and why audio research went from 6dj8 input and driver tubes to pretty much exclusively 6n1p's and 6h30's for their highest tier gear... instructive... a quick google search will yield you web and phone contacts ... |
@jjss49 the tubes are for my Heritage in the USA home. I called Andy and he only deals with Western and USA tubes and will call Brent and Jim. I am Basque/German and live in a neighborhood from Barcelona. @tomic601 I am jealous, last week I was in Sunnyvale (?) CA visiting my team and it was glorious! The Vintage Tube Services website has a great picture of how tubes matcha section on a symphony house! My dealer here in Barcelona has a similar one for the Berlin house and Vienna and it is so much fun to play with the different tubes. @nmolnar I have a lot of Western tube amps in my home in Spain; the Heritage, which I like a lot, especially for the cost, is in the USA and do not plan to change it. Just trying to bring it closer to what I like. |