Bought powerful/expensive Amp+Speakers but plan to use an old preamp , am I crazy?

Please hear me out.

I got back into the hi-fi game after a hiatus and chanced upon some gear I have always wanted, for a great price, so I jumped on it... which resulted in no budget left for a pre-amp!

Purchased gear, yet to arrive:
Amp: McIntosh MC-452
Speakers: Paradigm Persona 3F

Sources that I already own:
Analog: Linn Sondek LP12
Digital : Oppo UDP203 / Bluenode 2i


I have an old NAD-1155 Pre-Amp lying around that i simply love!! It has one of the best phono stages I have come across among all the pre-amps I’ve owned. So I’m hoping I can use the NAD as an interim arrangement, before I can save up for a better pre-amp.

My question is rather simplistic, would the NAD cause any problems when paired with the Big MAC, in terms of compatibility and/or sonic abilities?

Besides it being a dirt cheap component (relatively speaking), nothing tells me it can’t be used, but I need someone to chime in and tell me I’m not being too naive or optimistic!


Edit: Link to the Preamp -



Listen, after you swap in the new gear, continue to listen to the NAD.  If you still love it, keep it.  If not, well, there is your next upgrade.  Don't get caught up in the "I have to upgrade completely game."  I have an old Audionics BT2 preamp whose phone stage sounds as good as my old ARC 6 stage, among the best ever.  Good enough to go into a system tied with my "best" system on phono.

If you are using a MC cartridge (you didn't mention what you have), a good quality external phono stage would be a big improvement. 

If you doubt the NAD's capability, wait until you have the requisite funds and order an "upgrade" that is returnable. If you can hear a difference go with your preference.  If you chose the NAD and upgradetitis continues to bug you; rinse and repeat.

Just came back to this discussion after many days, nice to see this reassurance! :)

@harrylavo and @grossman616  - that's exactly my thought process!

@fatdaddy2 - 😁

@sokogear - the NAD has a great MM and MC phono stage (adjustable for low and high capacitance cards). That's what I love about it.

@holmz - I wasn't specifically responding to anything you said or didn't say, not sure what offended you .. 

@limomangus - are we still talking hi-fi or did you move on to other topics of interest?? 🤣