McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer

More unvarnished truth from YouTube.
"real audiophiles...know it doesn't sound that good"

Real audiophiles -- be aware. You've been read the Riot Act. 



jjss49. Ah that explains it. English is your third language

. Else you would comprehend that not one phrase I wrote is insulting to McIntosh. I said I did not like it and would never buy it. How is that insulting? You on the other hand.......

Actually laoman, you said that it did not sound good and was not good value for money. 

Yes, I certainly did and that is correct. How is that an insult? By the way, did you watch Jay’s youtube? - talk about damning with faint praise. He called it "mid range", a comment with which I concur.

I didn't say it was an insult, I just wanted to clarify what you said. As far as Jay is concerned, I have zero interest in his opinions of audio gear. His opinion of McIntosh gear is one of the reasons why.

Just watched the video to see what’s the fuss all about after noticing that this thread was getting very popular, 6 pages and going strong.

Not much to say here but the guy in the video is hilarious. I have to admit that for some people, the hifi needs to look good apart from sounding good. Nevertheless, to consider the McIntosh solely on looks to give others an impression of the owner being sophisticated really cracks me up.