Mercy the stuff you read from the uninformed and jealous. It’s one thing to not care for a brand, but to call great gear that has been around for as long as Mcintosh "MidFi" gear or elude that by using it your not in the audiophile community is as funny as saying "something else" will some how propel you there. I can tell you this it’s sure not my way of thinking.
It’s never been the gear, it’s the ability to get the gear to do what you need. Mcintosh just happens to be an avenue a lot of folks world wide chose. Why pick gear because what someone else thinks. There is a lot of cars I don’t know about, doesn’t mean I don’t like them.. I think in most cases, it’s I can’t afford them, so I don’t like them.
If room acoustics are 50% of the sound how is the gear the other 50%. That 10-25% is being forced down a lot of peoples throat by choice as if it was 100% of the answer to better sound and it’s not. Just like the gear quest, or the cable quest, or the speaker quest. CRAP make up your mind and go from there. What on earth changes folks minds to change types of speakers or gear or color of paint in the room?
Just askin’
I can make just about anything work. I like Mac and Cary, and GR and Farm Girl, I don’t have to put gear down to make me feel better about the gear I’m using.