@mbolek - you have touched on a subject that I am yet to observe, despite having tried it many times with a variety of cables - e.g. power, interconnect and speaker cables.
I do not doubt the observations of others - i.e. a cable sounds better in a specific direction.
- is it due to the metal of the wire?
- is it due to the insulation?
- is it due to the geometry of the cable?
- is it due to the connectors of the cable?
- is it due to the socket in the component?
- sockets/plugs is an area that can cause lots of issues
- I would not be surprised if this is the cause of this phenom
Since I have never observed this phenom I no longer account for it in my builds and so far I have not been disappointed.
But you do make a valid point - should the wire be reversed for the neutral?
- With the exception of fully balanced symmetrical designed amps and balanced power distribution systems
- Helix cables are not suited to these
- and I lack the experience in this design approach
- In Single ended systems, electrical energy flows in one direction, from the power station to ground/neutral - it just happens to pass through our components along the way
- granted the polarity changes in an audio signal, but the energy will always flow from source to "ground"
- so if I had to GUESS - both wires should be aligned in the direction of the energy transfer
- but it is not something that I would account for in my cable builds
Sorry I could not be of more assistance
Regards - Steve