These “contrarians” who poo-poo the efficacy of expensive tweaks, cables (and any audio product for that matter) often appear in many other forums, threads, audio groups, questioning the merits of expensive audio products. They are either disgruntled with their lot in life (e.g. a spouse who wears the proverbial pants, a wallet that squeaks so loud they hate to open it, etc.) or their skills of self-persuasion require constant exercising with selfish expectations of indulgence on our part.
Not having a fact-based opinion because it's foreclosed by those circumstances, however, doesn't prevent them from expressing their frustration-based comments.
It's not about whether they can or cannot afford to pay more. Hobbyists who operate within a prescribed budget are quite content with value-based high performance systems and work diligently to accomplish that end. They bear no grudge against those who chose to spend more.