The Best Preamp is no Preamp?

So recently I've discovered the possibility of completely removing my preamp from my rig. I've never heard or considered this before, so much audio tradition... But in going directly from DAC to amplifier the sound quality is absolutely incredible, instantly had me grinning. Using music server to Chord M Scaler to Chord Qutest (cut out Marantz SR5015) to go directly to dual Emotiva XPA-DR1 monoblocks, to GR Research's 24 strand speaker wire to Magnepan 1.7i's.  Only difference is running volume on server vs Marantz remote, sound quality is the biggest jump I've ever heard with any gear.

Have you guys had experience cutting out the preamp from your rig? What's your thoughts?


A quality active preamplifier is much better then a passive dac to amplifier ,

especially if you have a Quality vaccum tube preamp the signal is amplified and transformer ,choke gain stage when under load is bigger soundstage ,deeper and better imaging ,adding the vacuum tubes adds an added dimension ,having owned a Audio store ,as well as Audiophile for over 40 years I have had every combination 

and their is plenty of ample proof putting a Quality preamplifier at least a  $5 k lie stage preamplifier is far better then use dac to amplifier you need to spend money 

to get mid Audiophile quality .

Then the answer is, what ever works for you. No final concreate answer, many variables that will determine many diffrent ways.

As to me, Pre-amp is very very important, but of course you need a very good pre-amp otherwise possible answer would be to avoid it and go direct to DAC.

I had my Benchmark LA4 out of commission for a couple of weeks and was using a Denon receiver to fill the gap.  Even in pure direct mode the sound quality was significantly worse.  As per an earlier poster, I’m not surprised you found an improvement removing the Marantz from the chain.   

My system sounds much better with a pre amp in the mix.  I have a PS Audio BHK pre amp, PS Audio DSD Sr. DAC (which has a volume control), and PS Audio BHK250 power amp pushing Tannoy DC8Ti speakers.  About a year ago, I sent the BHK pre in for repair and went straight from the DAC to the BHK250.  My system sounded terrible by comparison. 

I bought a used PS Audio Gain Cell DAC and used it as my preamp until the BHK pre came back.  The Gain Cell DAC sounded fair, but no where near as good as the BHK pre.  

this is a case where specifics drive the outcome, generalities are fun coffee table chatter, but are inconsequential

I think this is gospel.  It all depends. But, as so many above say, typically a great preamp is better than no preamp.  I'm glad this is working for you though. Don't forget about how lucky you are to have stumbled on your no-preamp-situation when you make your next move....I. mean, if you make your next move. :).