Need speaker recommendations.

I need recommendations for speaker brand/models that can be placed relatively close to the front wall without degradation in sound quality. Say, within 1-2 feet. My front wall is ’h’ shaped (side view). There is a 1-ft deep ledge at the height of 2-ft 4-inch from the floor (imagine right half of the letter ’h’) and the overall height of the wall is 9-ft. Front to back wall is 18-ft.


Budget under US$8,000. Don’t care between stand-mounted or floor-standing. If a specific partnering amp/preamp are highly desirable (for any reason) please tell me why.





Not sure the Larsons would work, they have up firing drivers, and it sounds like that would fire up against the ledge? 

I should clarify what my front wall looks like. If you are staring at the front wall, 2-ft 4-inch from the floor the wall turns horizontally into a ledge, after 1-ft of ledge it again goes straight up, to the ceiling. In other words, there isn't open space underneath the ledge.

A question I have always had about the Larsen - do they have to be flush against the wall, or can they sit off the wall? In my case, something like the first 2-ft 4-in of the Larsen could go flush against the wall, but anything after that would be 1-ft off the wall. I'm sure I'll know the answer once I audition them, but doesn't hurt to ask here. 


Also, yes I do have an interest in the ATC speakers. I may even extend the budget a bit, to find used ones that work for me.



In a fairly narrow but very deep room, I have Ohm Walsh 5000s about 18 inches from the front wall and side walls.  That’s the only place for them unless I remove furniture.  When I remove the REL subs I no longer need from the corners, I might move the speakers in closer to the corner.