The New Lampizator Horizon DAC

On Saturday, I was lucky enough to be invited to the unofficial launch of the all-new Lampizator Horizon DAC in Los Angeles.  I have a Pacific and love it but I was intrigued to experience whether the Horizon was that much better.  So, My wife and I drove the 6 hours from Arizona to attend.  

The event had about 18 people in attendance and featured Lukasz Fikus, the owner and brains behind Lampizator.  We had a 5-hour listening session which included direct A/B comparisons between the Pacific and the Horizon, operating the Horizon without a preamp, and finally tube rolling.

My impressions were the Lampizator created a DAC that could change people's minds on comparing digital to vinyl,  The amount of detail, smoothness, clarity, speed was incredible.   For those interested in tube rolling the options are almost endless and I heard firsthand many different tube combinations which changed the SQ of the music.  Finally, at the end of the session, we ran the Horizon without a preamp.  The preamp used in the system was Lamm and the whole system was well over $700k.  So we are talking about a very high-end component grouping.   IMO, the Horizon DAC delivered about 95% of the sound without a Preamp.  It was super hard to discern any differences in SQ.

This DAC was so good that I ended up ordering one.  For anyone going to the Tampa Audio show, Lukasz Fikus will be there to officially launch the Horizon to the world this weekend.  It is definitely worth a listen.





At what price for a piece of gear is it no longer ok to post a thread and discuss? I believe I already commented on the $50k/yr earlier in the thread. I’m sorry if someone’s disposable income doesn’t meet their desires. Where is the line though? Are we not to discuss $25k gear because someone may not make $25k/yr? $10k?


The "penny pinching" comment may have been an attempt at humor by that poster and it might have struck some as insensitive but audio gear at every pricing strata is a luxury, not basic sustenance. Everyone on Audiogon has either been fortunate financially to varying degrees OR they have made decisions to do without some things in order to afford other things.

I still want to know how the 6sn7 tubes are used in the Horizon dac, does anyone know?


They are your input conversion tubes.  there are two of them and the options are endless with or without an adapter.

They are your input conversion tubes.  there are two of them and the options are endless with or without an adapter.



The tubes are actually used as part of the D to A conversion?

@ghasley : you are a very nice person. I am afraid that trying to educate this tsushima person is like hitting your head against a brick wall hoping to break the wall. It's not going to happen. Your head will break first.