Transport Question

Now have the new Rotel CD player using as a transport into a Bryston bda-3

The bryston make a big difference.

Time for a good stand alone transport. Looking at the SIm moon 260d.

Would that be a decent upgrade for the rotel?


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@nonoise : Whether it’s financial data, music data or video data the base form is the binary code. That is why a computer can read an optical disk and store/playback all three. 

Digital theory shows that transports all are equivalent, especially with modern DACs that control jitter very well. However, my experience has been that transports make a large difference in the sound from any DAC I have used.

Why do transports make such a difference? Everyone will have a reason, but I don't think any of us knows for sure.

I had a 260D (sold in favor of playing files) and thought it was a very good transport, so yes, I think it would be a good choice. Better than the Rotel? Never having tried the latter, I don’t know -- but I suspect yes.

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