Why don't you like Mageplanar speakers?

Popular as they are, some serious listeners do not like the sound of Magnepans.
If you are one of these, why not tell us what you don't like about them?
Adding a couple of Vandy subs(the fastest ones) may rectify their negatives tho.
I need good deep bass and dynamics for my listening preferences. Maggie's don't cut it for classic rock.
Have always sounded bright and unnatural to me; I used Quads for 30 years and Apogee also so have nothing against planar speakers. But what do you care what other people think? If you like them they are good and if not they are bad TO YOU! Don't buy what others like, get what you like.
I'll hang with Stanwal and his comments, yet Elizabeth was quite spunky with her comments. Always trust your own ears.
I dislike my Magnepan 3.7's because I bought them about a year before the 20.7's came out. Now, I may have to sell my 3.7's to Elizabeth so I can get the 20.7's. OK, I love my Maggies, so I probably shouldn't answer, but here goes anyway.

Photon, I'd love to stand next to tympani or bass drum, but in Indianapolis they make people sit in the seats during concerts. I'm pretty sure I would get booted if I tried to stroll through the orchestra during a performance. My point is that I want my music to sound (or feel) like what I get in a concert hall, 100-200 feet from the percussion. The physical feel of a 25 hz tone is something I have never felt in an actual concert setting. Now, for a rock concert, that may be a different story. I would accept the comment above that maggies may not be a good rock speaker. I recently added a sub to my system, and I do enjoy what it adds to organ, tuba, double bass etc. But I have to say, it is a little surprising just how little help the 3.7's actually require, even though they fall off rapidly below 40hz in my room.