I recently terminated a pair of Chinese copies of Kimber 12TC. They are not advertised as Kimber but seem to be a very close copy. In a post here someone wrote that Kimber can tell the difference between its braid and that of a Chinese copy. I'm not sure I can. I'm not sure it would matter.
The sonic results are excellent. Of course I cannot swear that the results would be the same if I bought a 2M pair of unterminated Kimber cable at $644. But I would say that if I did and the sonic results were the same I would be satisfied. But then if I bought Kimber cable I'd have them terminated. Terminating these braided cables is a trial.
As most "American" cables are made in China these days, including these I believe, I am happy to go to the source. I don't need Kimber to do it for me.