Ortofon Cadenza Range loading range

I am looking for a bit of insight on how to properly load this cartridge. My Cartridge is a Cadenza Red but will be changed in the near future to a Bronze. Right now i have the Red loaded at 300 Ohm. Is this ok? My other options are 30,100 Ohm.
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I had a cadenza black for several years and loaded it at approximately 100 ohms - same as a koetsu or a Lyra. Assuming the red has the same internal impedance, I would think 300 is a bit too high unless you are trying to ‘liven up’ your system.

That being said, as with all things in perfectionist audio, let your own ears be your guide. No one who isn’t listening to the exact same gear in the exact same room can give you anything but general rules of thumb (except in cases where someone is doing something clearly incorrectly, which you are not).

I recently purchased the Cadenza Bronze and prefer loading at 66 ohms vs. 100 it was at when first installed. 50 ohms sounds good too. 

I run the Cadenza Bronze with a loading of 200 ohms, but I’m not sure I could hear the difference if it were 300 ohms instead.

When I ran Cadenzas and Kontrapunkts I liked it lower. 75-ish was nice. Even as low as 50 was fine. The Cadenza Red IMO could definitely use a bit of softening, so I'd stick to the range of 50 - 100.