not on yer nellie noskie
not even a nice try
failed to address my issue at all and instead deflect to unrelated conceptual terms of ridicule
besides I'm not even a quantum metaphysics 21st century boy....
Is there a solid fuse-like item that I can use in place of a fuse, to bypass it?
Hi All,
instead of using a "gourmet" fuse in certain situations, I want to bypass the fuse entirely with a solid piece of metal. I also want to avoid soldering-in a piece of wire in the fuse’s place.
Are there solid pieces of silver or copper, the same size as a fuse, that i can swap into a fuse holder?
FFS guys, will this schiit never end??? cuckyol and his ilk, do you have nothing better to do. We all get it, you can't hear properly or won't even try. Great, just move on. It appears your system, if you have one, sounds so poorly that you need to entertain your self by harassing other members. Get a life.
Oh really? How do you know that. Provide proof that that is happening. What makes you think that you can actually feel the tiny vibrations created in cables transmitting power. Your statement is illogical, irrational and irrelevant. @nonoise and theaudiotweak, this is very frustrating I know but perhaps if we don't directly engage these ... these ... people they might move on, but don't hold your breath. @OP, fuses do make a difference and I have put this challenge out before. A simple and free experiment is to just change the fuse direction of one of your components and listen for a change in sound. This is easily heard in my system. If you hear no change, great, you are now free from the dreaded 'snake oil' and can save lots of money. I have now hard wired a heavy jumper across the fuse in my power amp, why?, well because it sounds even better than a pure Cu.rod as a jumper. Will the thread police avoid having a conniption. Understand this is my house and my equipment and I'll do as I like. I live in a stone cottage with walls 2 ft. thick and so many leaks in the roof it will never burn down 😎 and I don't need to worry about insurance, I don't have any.
I agree in principal but disagree on the last bit. It isn't a small chance that the insurance would be invalidated it is a very real possibility. Waste money on something else like having the electrical utility replace your house supply line back to the nearest pole with audiophile approved wire. It won't make any difference either but after spending thousands doing it I can almost guarantee that you'll think there is a big improvement. |