Moderation/Censorship Poll and surely more...


I'm here over 8 years and back then, I think the moderation guidelines were much lighter than today.  I think it's okay to have all foolish posts of ebm instead of removing part of them IMHO. 

Having that as a fact would you like to

A) Leave it same way?

B) Bring more rules?

C) Decrease rules?




A dedication to Tammy, who toils over our excesses and decides who to axe when, when the psyc cats get hissy.

Thanks, actually..... ;)

...@ 4:24....


Be careful not to say anything negative about the advertisers that pay the bills!🙃

+1 ebm is fine. 

They also take care of issues with the sales too.

which is quite apparent when reviewing some of their censorship history..