
Is it discernible, or a state of mind, is there an audio benefit? If so what would be the best way to achieve this and how …




@fiesta75 - yes, an active circuit is a completely different animal. Where the signal is truncated before amplification.
There are benefits depending on the drivers used to band pass lower frequencies even to the bass driver.

If you meant actively crossing jasonbourne52 yes, it can be better. Obviously implementation will require sound knowledge of basic principles, often more knowledge than the original designer had at the time. I thought you meant after amplification.

Always crossover at amplifier inputs. And, in my opinion get rid of the internal crossover in the speakers too.

There’s a huge audio benefit just not for you. Twice the amp twice the cables for some lucky audio manufacturers. I was biamped with Bel Canto REF1000 mk2s for years and when I started selling them off to buy new, I was surprised at the difference. Like no difference. The 1000s sounded good.

There is a lot of information on active bi-amping apogee speakers, but quite a few people don't like the sound as much as the passive crossover.