Resistor replacement Wilson Sophia (original)...

Has anyone replaced the resistors in an original Sophia?  Wilson on-line video is another model.  Will be replacing the ones for the tweeter and midrange.  How difficult?  Any effect on sound quality.


Why do you want to do this? Crossover resistors are rugged enough to last the life of a speaker - and beyond! Stop being neurotic and settle down and listen to some music!

Listened to a set of speakers the other night that had had all the components of the crossovers upgraded (caps, resistors, and inductors) and the change was awesome.  

So if you're going to do this, I'd recommend doing the whole job.  I'm planning it on my speakers soon.


These are only protective resistors...not part of the crossover.  Simply designed to keep one from damaging the drivers. Wilson offers these replacements for all their speakers and recommends the replacement based essentially on age.

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