McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer

More unvarnished truth from YouTube.
"real audiophiles...know it doesn't sound that good"

Real audiophiles -- be aware. You've been read the Riot Act. 



This dealer is nuts. If mac wasn't the best, they wouldn't increase in valueb. In 1976, I bought my Ma6100 integrated amp. To this day, it's still playing flawlessly daily, AND ITS NEVER BEEN SERVICED. I should say it also handles high resolution music files with ease. I originally paid 649.00 for it. The last offer I had was 2400 00.but ill never sell. 

Post removed 

If going up in value is the determining factor, then marantz must be better.

I hadn't looked at the Audiogon forums for many months(because it's typically an exercise of self flagellation)  but had a specific question and stumbled across this thread. I'm in a unique situation to both live about 10 minutes from Mike Powell and be a McIntosh owner. Mike is zealous, has firmly held beliefs, and is passionate/intense. His system sounds absolutely phenomenal and he's a gracious host. I can confidently say that I believe he's a good guy in his heart. Hearing his system was an invaluable experience of knowing what is possible and it really helped me understand my own motivations for my system. His system reminds me very much of the old Maxell "blown away" poster. It's an intense experience and one that is highly recommended.

   That being said, I learned that his system was not the direction for me because it actually was too stimulating to my central nervous system. I'm in my late 40's with a stressful career, kids etc... and the experience I'm looking for in music is to turn my left brain off and get lost in the music and his system didn't do that for me.

    I happened to hear a system with Mcintosh separates by complete chance. I sat down and ended up getting lost in the music and after 30 minutes the owner came up behind me and squeezed my trapezius muscles (neck/shoulder) to find they were both relaxed and my jaw was not clenched. I had absolutely zero interest in McIntosh as an audiophile of 20 years thinking it's mid fi overpriced snake oil based on forums (not direct experience).  At that moment I knew it was for me.

   Bottom line: You have to figure out your "Why". What do you want to get from your audio system? If your motivation is to release a day/week/month's worth of assault on your senses and get lost in the music, it's worth an hour or 2 of your time to go have a listen and judge for yourself. Don't be swayed by the McIntosh haters or the fan boys. For me, the Mc2700/MC312 combination just "does it". I don't think the source components (turntables/dacs/servers) are up to the standard of their preamps and amps but again let your ears decide. Figure out your motivation to listen to music/build a system. You may find your motivations line up more with Mike and he can help you achieve your goals. Or your goals may be more like Herb Brooks (USA Hockey gold medal coach 1980) where he wasn't looking for the best players(components). He was looking for the "right" ones.


P.S.-It's not the blue meters. I listen with them off at all times