Grounding cable gauge size

For those of you using external grounding source devices, units such as Entreq, Nordost, Synergistic, etc. What size wire gauge seems to work the best?



Yes, the ground of your AC IEC can be the chassis, which can also be the signal ground of an RCA connector. So saying we keep them separate, which I also try to do with 2 ground rods, is kidding ourselves. So something to be aware of as Ralph pointed out, component manufacturers have vastly different schemes. So beware.


I use the Puritan out through the Groundmaster to a rod in mother earth. I ran a separate ground rod for the signal grounds, but in my case they are the same as some of the power grounds. So creating a loop is a risk. I cannot say I have done that but with 2 rods outside I find it hard to believe they will travel back, especially with Groundmaster in place.


Just read the Stereophile article you linked, some very interested stuff. Thank you!



I wonder if I ran a ground wire from the AC outlet ground to my Entreq with the signal grounds, would be a good thing?


I would think that would bypass the Entreq altogether and go straight to ground. I think as an experiment you might find direct to the ground in the outlet would be better than the Entreq.

I made an adapter from a spare male plug and attached a banana jack to the back side with only a wire from it to the ground pin of the Furutech male wall plug so I only connected the banana to ground via the plug. Then I could stack up plugs to experiment with. Now I use my new black ground box instead going to earth and a copper rod instead.

I believe Entreq's and other boxes are full of stuff simulating earth because most folks don't have the acumen to mess with wires and ground rods and wall outlets.

Ok thought I should share that I made 2 6x6 grounding boxes for my modest system. $80-$100 investment. Lined boxes with copper plates, 45% rock salt, 45% horticulture charcoal , 10% crushed tourmaline. One is hooked up to my power conditioner chassis nut ground and phono preamp chassis ground plugged into wall outlet ground. Second one just connected to my Goldenear Triton Towers with sub amps built in. Wow what a dramatic improvement connecting a ground box to the speaker neg banana plugs. Tried connecting one to my tube amp with no improvement. Amazing hearing the clarity, percussion, organ, and rhythm section in he background stand out. Many where hidden in the background prior. These grounding tweaks really make a noticeable improvement. I am shocked!