Wanting to upgrade my streaming sound quality.

I would really like to get my streaming sq up to my analog sq. My equipment is a McIntosh MC 452, C47, TD 124 with an AT 150 SA on a SME M2-9 tone arm, a Rega P8 with an Alpheta 3, a restored MR 74 tuner, driving Aerial 7t speakers. My streaming now is an iPad with a usb cable into my preamp with Tidal. I would be willing to spend around $2500 . A one box solution would be preferable for a steamer/dac combo although two boxes could also work. I’m not interested in multiple clocks and separate power supplies etc. Also I don’t use CD’s for a source.  I do have AT&T fiber internet with up to 1000 mb speed and my modem is only around 5 feet from my audio rack. Balanced inputs is preferable but not a deal breaker. I’ve looked at the HiFi Rose 250 and the 150 although the latter is more money than I want to spend. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I’m an Analog guy in a digital world.



I agree with @rbstehno about MQA. If you invest in a new streaming DAC, try to find one that does MQA decoding and rendering  (esp. if you plan to use Tidal).  FWIW,  a couple of Matrix Audio products perform much better on ASR measurements than the PS Audio DS Senior, for a much lower retail price. But, notwithstanding what ASR measurements do or don't capture, many people seem to love the PS Audio Direct Stream Jr/Sr.  And PS Audio products are made in USA, evidently with excellent user support. 

A nice feature of both the PS Audio and the Matrix products is that they support both USB and Roon-ready network connections.  I prefer a network connection for reliability and ease of use.  I don't find that either one necessarily sounds better or worse than the other, but sometimes I've had trouble maintaining the USB handshake when changing sources/settings or powering on/off.  On the other hand, for some DSP software (like HQ Player or BACCH4Mac), you may need a USB connection.  With the right recordings, BACCH4Mac (even the $1K intro edition) can create impressive spatial audio effects.  Nevertheless, I find myself often returning to an ethernet connection.

My system: sonicTransporter i9 (runs Roon Core); Mac Mini (intel CPU) to manage downloaded music library and to run DSP software (HQ Player, BACCH4Mac); Matrix Audio Element X (preamp/DAC/streamer);  Benchmark AHB2 (power amp); JansZen Valentina P8 hybrid electrostatic loudspeakers.



You have 1000 mg speed in that you are cutting in have by using wifi. First step is to make sure your streamer is hard wired to you net with cat 7 wire. This alone made a big difference in my sound quality.

I would recommend separates and upgrading in steps. Since you have a DAC already, start with a streamer. Lots of recommendations here, anything decent will be big upgrade over the iPad. Streamers do matter! Pay close attention to reviews of the streamer software/UI, if you hate the interface, the performance won’t matter.  

Everything is subjective.  Without going into my full system, around 14k. I stream amazon HD (very pleased with price and sound quality) through an outboard Benchmark DAC3B, also using  an impressive Benchmark Line amp LA-4. I listen to just R&R loudly from a windows based laptop, 2.0 CORDED to my listening Chair, About 12' away. If you don't mind the cord, Mine sounds fabulous. No outboard streamer, just the DAC. My 2cents, if you don't mind the cord, spend your money on a very good DAC. Robert TN  Good luck !!!!!!!!!