Grounding cable gauge size

For those of you using external grounding source devices, units such as Entreq, Nordost, Synergistic, etc. What size wire gauge seems to work the best?



Ok thought I should share that I made 2 6x6 grounding boxes for my modest system. $80-$100 investment. Lined boxes with copper plates, 45% rock salt, 45% horticulture charcoal , 10% crushed tourmaline. One is hooked up to my power conditioner chassis nut ground and phono preamp chassis ground plugged into wall outlet ground. Second one just connected to my Goldenear Triton Towers with sub amps built in. Wow what a dramatic improvement connecting a ground box to the speaker neg banana plugs. Tried connecting one to my tube amp with no improvement. Amazing hearing the clarity, percussion, organ, and rhythm section in he background stand out. Many where hidden in the background prior. These grounding tweaks really make a noticeable improvement. I am shocked!

Are you connecting to the negative terminal of the speakers only with a standalone box for "passive' absorption? If powered speakers, I would guess you cannot connect the neg terminal to a ground of a duplex?

I connected basic 16ga copper strand wire to the neg terminal on each speaker only to the standalone box. Speakers have class D sub amps built in not fully powered speakers. Plan to try NPS1260, wire and connector upgrades to see if it improves.

I also have made some DIY speaker ground boxes and was also amazed at how well they work. 

Be curious to hear how the NPS 1260 works, I have some but have not tried it on those connectors.
