replace Mcintosh with Luxman

I am about to sell my Mcintosh 611s and replace with 2 Luxman c900u.. I live in Alaska, outside of Anchorage, and there is no retail sales of mid to high end gear in this state.  No opportunity to listen to amps before I purchase unless I travel to lower 48.  Anybody have an opinion on going from Mcintosh to Luxman.

vocals were lush… definitely better highs, I just heard more… best way to describe it is luxman was dynamic while having a more enveloping sound. I am sure there are plenty out there who would prefer the pass amp, and it is very good. but maybe in my case, the synergy between luxman and my speakers is better. Also I am in Asia where luxman is more reasonably priced. 

guyt, I am in a similar situation and I hope to hear from you on what your experience is with the move if you did do it. I have mcintosh mc53 preamp and mc462 amp. Would like to move from the 462 to the Luxman m-10x. I currently drive Magico A3's with the 462.. Please let me know if you'd advice a switch from Mcintosh to Luxman.. thanks

Thank you!! do you have any particular reason for that recommendation.. I have not had a chance to audition the Luxman m10x yet.  thanks again.. 

For my part I have found more audio reproduction similarities between McIntosh amplification and Luxman amplification than dissimilarities however I have generally felt that Luxman exhibited micro detail better than the Mc amps , slightly cleaner in transigents , both manufacturers produce amplification that tends to deliver a harmonically rich comfortable listening experience however I would go Luxman for the slight nuances that I have alluded to .