LSA 20 Statement Speakers

I may purchase a pair of LSA 20 Statement Speakers......
Using my Pass Labs 250.8 Amp, their XP-12 Preamp and XP-17 phono stage
I’m spinning a VPI Classic Turntable with a MIMC Soundsmith cartridge, will these Speakers create a memorable musical experience for years to come?
Esthetically, including their size, they 
work for me and my space.  I actually 
love their appearance. From what I’ve found, their products are created with experienced and knowledgeable guidance. 
My first attempt at an Audiogon post,
I appreciate your input. 


I had a horrible experience with LSA 10s.

There are so many warning signs and serious quality issues.

There are so many other choices, why take the risk?

two comments mentioned generous return policy 

It was $300 last year (and I wish I had it and not the poor quality open box one which I couldn't return and could only sell for 800 dollar less than I bought it for)

So compared with Crutchfield's $10 return in 60 days, this is very expensive indeed

Ask any dealer why they don't have them. They told me: no one knows them, no one buys them, there is nothing special about them.

Being pulled away from LSA Statement speakers., thanks for everyone’s valued opinion. 

I think it’s fair to say that with the right equipment, they are probably enjoyable speakers, but the whole design, quality, pricing structure issues make it a lot less desirable speakers than at least 20 other brands. - for the same price, you get much better value


One of the strangest things is the web site. It's absolutely hideous. It's full of "...taken from my iPhone. Better photos coming... " notes. You mean you cannot just take a photo NOW? you are pitching a 2000 dollar equipment but you just want us to wait for some other photo, taken when? That 90s font design that was a no-no even in the AOL days? Can't you hire a web developer student for $60 an hour to revamp the site to just make it not this terrible? Seriously, the navigation, the design, the lack of information, the lack of ANY structure, the content is sooo painful! 

Posts by grislybutter do not read like a disinterested observer.

I have no commercial interest in any audio equipment

The reviews of LSA speakers are very favorable and speak for themself.

I bought the lower model LSA bookshelf a coupla years ago and was very happy--huge soundstage, speaker's disappear, warm and much better bass than expected.

Walter has a track record and lots of satisfied customers (you can search feedback here).