Vapor Cirrus Black vs dc10 Berlin Studio Monitor

Anyone had a chance to listen to either of these loudspeakers? Any opinions on the sound of either?
Mountain-high, the high altitude must be getting to you. You do realize saying one speaker kills another is quiet juvenile. I have heard the Magicos on multiple occasions at shows and in one of the finest dealer show room in the US. Never once did I find them to my liking. But I will not say it kills the Raidho or any other speaker, or vice versa. Music is highly subjective and those of us who have been in this hobby for several decades it takes a lot of time and effort to get a system to one's liking or taste.
A new pr of BerlinIIs sold for 790.00 on ebay,I think another sold for 820.00
which is way below the retail ,i think is 3200.00.Do the Berlins sell for less than
1/3 of retail(4500.00) also? I believe they are Made inUSA too?Sounds like a good
price.I wish I could have been there!Would love to hear all this great gear!Maybe
next year.