Complimentary 2nd Cartridge/Tonearm for Dr. Feickert Blackbird

My main cartridge/tonearm is a Soundsmith Hyperion/Kuzma 4-Point into a Pass Labs XP-27. Want the 2nd cartridge and tonearm to be a totally different sound - probably leaning to the warm/colored/lush side. Tonearm will likely be Schick 9” (left armboard limits the length I can utilize.). Want to do the 2nd cart on a budget (< $2,000) since I shot my load on everything else.
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Consider a Miyajima.  It would provide an excellent experience that would be a nice contrast to the Hyperion.  I currently have a Madake that is very smooth, detailed, and some could consider slightly on the warm side.  The Miyajima line tends to have this wonderful presentation down their line.  I currently employ a Ortofon Windfeld Ti on my second arm and I am considering the Hyperion to replace it to have as my contrast for the Madake.  Current turntable is a dual arm Origin Live Sovereign. 

The Schick is not a very good arm. I have listened to the 12" at length. It sounds like porridge - thick and gooey. Even a cheap Rega arm would blow it away.

FR64 in good condition is a good option.

Jelco TK series are quite good - some still available if you look around\

Audiomods is outstanding value for money.