My first tube preamp Manley jumbo shrimp

(my English basicaly sucks as it is my second language, so my apologies for any bad grammer or misspelling.)
Yes it is my first tube preamp and I love it! Or do I? Mostly I do because I upgraded the sound of my stereo at least by one level. My old preamp was bellas sound xlm ss and my current amp is parasound hca 1000a, speakers psb image t6. What I like about the Manley j. s. are great mids, pure with really great 3d imaging and velvet vocals (uncopareable to the bellas xlm). The trebles are more realistic warm and rich also uncompareable to the bellas. The low frequencies are as well more realistic I got rid of the rubbery sound bass which bellas produced. So even now I am satisfied. Generally the manley produce superb sound. There is only one "little" problem i have. The bass is not as strong as it was with the bellas especially the upper low frequancies are not as puchy as they use to be. There is one simple solution for this to switch back to bellas xlm but I dont want to sacrifice all the greatness which the manley offers to me. So the question is can i somehow improve the bass.
I definatly want to upgrade the amp. So this could be the way to get sronger and more dynamic bass perhaps. What do you guys think what power amp would suit well the manley and my speakers. Should I go with ss or tube? SS should have more bass extension and is more punchy as i read around the internet, correct me if i am wrong. Therefor i think i should stick with solid state amp. I was thinking about krell ksa 150 or mccormack dna1. Are there any othere amps I should add to my list which could improve low frequancies in my system? Also what else should i do to get more punchy bass?

It’s incredible that I find myself chiming in on a 10yo thread but this is exactly where I’m at today. I have been fortunate enough to be gifted an Aesthetix, Calypso in like new condition. It’s now spending time in my kit replacing a Manley, Shrimp that I have loved for many years. Calypso running Sovtek 6299 & Mullard 12ax7s & Manley running a compliment of Mullard, GE and Sovtek. Have used the Manley with a Cary, Rocket 88R and it never sounded as deep and rich as the Calypso does. The Shrimp does however ring the last drop of music out a particular track better than the Calypso. I find information missing at times and on particular LPs & streaming. Use a Line Magnetic tube DAC as well as a Luxman TT w/Rega, Exact II cart. The Shrimp seems to capture more but the Calypso has real weight and depth. Speakers are Sonus Faber, Cremona Auditors & Equation 7 in rotation. Just want to know what you did, if anything special to get the best performance possible from the Calypso... if you can remember that far back, lol. Appreciate any input from anyone owning the same pieces. TY

bgross You're right, 10 y/o post. Anyway, the Jumbo Shrimp I lived with for 5 years and it is still viable. Upgrading the tubes, power cord and running Mahi Mahi mono blocks with Merlin Black Magic monitors was a blast. I get the pairing with SS, but the EL84 is a quick and punchy tube so it works well.

Update: Swapped out the Sovtek & Mullards from the Calypso for new production Gold Lions all around. Needs more time to level out but all the info is now very present. The Calypso is without question a wonderful preamp. Not sure yet which one I prefer. Each very different but The Shrimp in it’s simplicity is just wonderful & the Aesthetix Calypso, in its complexity is just as intriguing. Maybe I’ll keep them both and reunite the Shrimp with a quality SS amp. Thinking a Quad 909, Linn Klout, Naim NAP 250,... in a second setup 🤷🏻‍♂️