Need speaker for a small space and close to wall

We are moving and I need to rethink my system for an 8 foot wall. The room is small and requires me to have the speakers within 12 inches of the wall. Listening position will be 9ft from the speakers and 2 feet from the rear wall. Budget is $3000. Amplification will adjust accordingly. I listen to all kinds of music. Lots of jazz, lots of folk and goth/electronica and soundtracks and throw in some rap and latin music.

North Creek makes near wall specific designs (and is one of the few companies to do so; I had the Eska (now discontinued) for 5 years, and it was lovely. The "signature" version of the current model, the Big Kat, comes in a bit over your pricepoint when the cabinets are included, but I think it's worth giving George Short a call and seeing what the options are; he's a straight shooter.

If I still had the near wall constraint, the Big Kat is what I'd have.

Yeah, AN/e's would be on the top of my list if they weren't so damn expensive. I've heard of the Kitty Kat but haven't been able to find a pair to listen to. I'll call George and see if anyone has a pair in my area.
I have a similar situation in my office. The only speaker that seems to really excel in this situation is the Gallo A'Diva. They need the bass reinforcement from the wall to sound really good. Tremendous detail and very involving speaker, btw.
